How To Cheat At Blackjack
There are many stories about how blackjack players have cheated casinos out of millions using everything technique from card counting to stashing aces up the sleeve, to marking cards, to chip placing, and team plays. But very few have described the tricks that some casinos have used to fleece unsuspecting players.
How To: Perform a shuffle cheat in Blackjack How To: Speed count cards in blackjack How To: Count cards for Blackjack or 21 How To: Play Blackjack in Vegas How To: Beat the casinos at Blackjack How To: Win at BlackJack. Card Marking – Card marking is a cheating method used in several card games. The cards are marked in such a way that the players at the table will know the value of each one, preferably the 10-point cards. I used to cheat at blackjack for the house and get paid a lot of money for it. This was a long time ago, before surveillance cameras, and that does not happen any longer. I also “dumped” money off to. In blackjack, cheating methods have existed since as long as the game has been around. Since decades, players think about how to cheat blackjack and have tried to use different techniques in order to cheat. The blackjack cheat sheet below is for Vegas USA blackjack, with 4 or more decks, and a dealer that stands on a soft 17. This is basic blackjack strategy at its most general, adaptable to many common.
How To Cheat At 21 Blackjack
Be advised that these practices, many of which border on unethical or even illegal blatant cheating, are rarely seen in the larger more regulated gambling cities of the world. Big name casinos wouldn’t want to risk their reputation, or their business license, when they can make huge revenues from a clean game. Even so, one must be vigilant, particularly in the smaller hole in the wall establishments in remote less regulated areas.
That being said, here are some of the most common casino tricks used against blackjack players…
Subtle Questionable Tricks
While not cheating necessarily, many casinos employ a number of psychological methods to maximize the amount of play they receive from each player and in addition create an environment that is conducive to a player making errors in judgement, which over time, increases the casino’s hourly profits.
For example, dealers are instructed to deal as quickly as possible to get in more hands per hour, which allows the house’s edge to take a greater statistical effect. Playing 100 hands will more closely reflect the statistical result of a 2 percent house edge than playing 10 hands, where the player can profit from a lucky winning streak.
Another openly acknowledged tactic involves offering players free alcoholic drinks to cloud their judgement resulting in bad plays. Intoxicated players lose three times as often as sober players.
Some casinos even pump oxygen into the air to keep you awake and playing longer.
Lastly, casinos force patrons to play mid and high stakes blackjack, by raising table limits when crowded and by offering fewer low limit tables, which leads to faster profits for the house.
Dealing Seconds
How To Cheat At Online Blackjack
Dealers who use sleight of hand tricks are called card mechanics. Dealing seconds is a method of manipulating a deck of cards during a card game by way of dealing the second, rather than the top card of the deck, usually for the purpose of cheating.
Second dealing is only useful when the cheat knows the value of the top card of the deck. Once the value of the top card is known the dealer can deal seconds in order to avoid dealing a good card to an opponent, or to avoid dealing a bad card to himself or to a secret accomplice, (known as a shill).
Bottom dealing is similar, although instead of dealing the second card, the dealer has peeked at the bottom card and can deal that card to force the player to bust when needed. Dealers who cheat this way are so skilled that they can slip a player a bust card completely undetected.
The Loose Shuffle
The most common way of cheating at the BJ table by dealers is by false shuffling or loose shuffling. It was a common practice in the days of mob owned casinos, although some claim it is still practiced in some shady establishments today. Watch how they shuffle next time at the BJ table. Why does it help the house, very simple. The dealer collect the cards the way they were play in case there is a problem and they could show how the last round was played. The pattern of the collected cards are- high card stick together and low card stick together. It you have two 10s, you stay. If you have low cards, you kept hitting you get something. Imagine if the dealer collect all the cards and deal WITHOUT shuffling, what happen to the two 10s that was dealt to you before? No one in the next round will get those two high cards again. One player will get one and another play will get the other. That’s why some players insist on machine shuffles.

Removing Cards from the Deck
Before I describe, this method, it should be noted that the following is completely illegal and casinos employing it, if caught, would surely face criminal prosecution from the gaming authorities.
That said, some casinos have removed one or two 10-value cards from the shoe, which increases the house edge. Fewer tens in the deck are disadvantageous to the player because it lowers the chances of him getting a blackjack and receiving those higher hand payouts. Fewer blackjack payouts means fatter returns for the house.
These are the most common deceptive ways that casinos have been found to cheat honest people out of their hard earned money. I can’t say if it’s cheating or not, but I tend to get grouchy if the dealer changes their style of dealing or grip for no apparent reason and junk starts flying out. Sure, maybe it’s just getting clubbed over the head with luck, but it’s suspiciously coincidental-feeling…
This article was specifically about how land based, brick and mortar casinos cheat. For the scoop on online casinos, read our article entitled: Do Online Casinos Cheat?
If you know of any other ways shady casinos swindle players, or countermeasures players can take, please comment below.
In blackjack, cheating methods have existed since as long as the game has been around. Since decades, players think about how to cheat blackjack and have tried to use different techniques in order to cheat the casinos out of their money. Unfortunately, in modern casinos cheating at blackjack top UK online casinos is not really possible or easy at all since most casinos are well equipped to handle cheaters. Casinos use lots of different devices and cameras and employ highly trained security to catch players who are cheating.
Also, most casinos are aware of all the tactics which are used by players and the infamous “pit bosses” keep an eye on every move of every player in order to catch suspicious behaviors of the players.
Given below are some of the most common cheating methods that have been used by players for cheating at blackjack in the past few years; they definitely show us how to cheat blackjack.
Casino Сheating
Most players try to cheat at blackjack at casinos. In the past, when there had been no online casinos the land based casinos were the only place where the players could go to play their favorite games, and cheat at them too. There are literally dozens of cheating methods that have been used in the past for cheating at casinos.
Players used techniques like marking the cards with undetectable marks and introduced them into the decks so that when the cards were dealt they could easily recognize the value of those cards. As casinos became more aware of such tactics, players switched to luminous marks which cannot be seen with the naked eye but only through special lenses. One of the most effective cheating techniques was dealer collusion. Several players in the past had joined hands with the dealers who would help them cheat using several different techniques like second dealing and false shuffling and mixing of the cards.
Dealers have been highly talented and thus it was almost always impossible to catch dealers cheating at the games.
Electronic Cheating Devices
As the game became more popular within the players, cheaters moved on to something else to give them better edge over the house. Several types of electronic cheating devices have been used at casinos often in order to cheat at blackjack. Many cheaters had come up with their own devices and small computers which would help them count the cards and track the shuffles.
In the past years, when the security at casinos had not been so tight, it was possible for the players to carry electronic devices with them to casinos, but not anymore.
Vegas World Blackjack Cheat
Online Cheating Methods
Blackjack Cheat Sheet
Today, online casinos have become quite popular and with that has come the age of online cheating methods. Players now use some sophisticated cheating methods and software for card counting which would allow them to get an edge over the house. Also, the blackjack bots have created quite a storm in the recent past since they not only allow players to cheat but they are also quite difficult to detect and prevent for the online casinos which has turned out to be quite a threat.